PhotoPastor H. Christian Mahinda was born on 04th August 1975. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ he was saved in the year of 1991. He was married to Subojini on 08th of February 2003. God has graciously blessed them with a beautiful baby girl named “Deborah” on 01st of July 2006.
God revealed him on the 08th of December 2004 saying “You will commence your ministry next year”. Accordingly in January 2005 his Ministry began at a youth meeting held at Moor Road, Methodist Church, Colombo. Subsequently revival began at the time when the fasting prayer was conducted on a Saturday around 10:30am at his residence.

When the worship was held on the 31st of December 2007, God spoke to him clearly to start the Sunday service from the year 2008. Thereafter Sunday service was started at the hall of his residence on the 06th of June 2008 with 25 believers. Due to the shortage of space people participated in the service staying outside holding umbrellas in the scorching sun.

By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ a beautiful church was built on the 26th of September 2008. Since the church is not sufficient to accommodate all the believers it is facilitated with television to view and participate in the service sitting outside. God has blessed the Church by giving more than 250 people as believers.

Each Sunday, the fresh anointing of God is poured upon the people as God reveals his prophecies through his Prophet, Pastor H. Christian Mahinda. The hands of God works miracles as many of the sick are healed and those who had been bound by Satan, delivered. Thus, the Church is being a testimony of the Living God, Jesus Christ.

Sunday school is conducted for 62 children with 08 teachers. Here the children are taught to walk in the light of God. Women fellowships as well as youth fellowships are being conducted at village level ministries. Weekly cottage prayer meetings are also conducted.